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Segretariato Generale della Missione MCCJ

A Means of Communion and Sharing on Evangelisation and Mission

30/04/2014 Da Overblog

Missionary Reflections published again! - Missionary reflections è pubblicato nuovamente

After several years Missionary Reflections is published once again. MR is a tool of missionary reflection of the...

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27/04/2014 Da Overblog

Lettera dal Sud Sudan - A Letter from South Sudan

Una toccante lettera da Wau, Sud Sudan di Angelo e Valentina, due operatori della Caritas Italiana. Una testimonianza...

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24/04/2014 Da Overblog


Las siglas CAM 4 y COMLA 9 designan al Cuarto Congreso Americano Misionero y Noveno Congreso Misionero Latinoamericano...

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23/04/2014 Da Overblog

Angelo Vinco and Inculturation in Africa

Two well-thought articles by Fr. Guido Oliana: on Fr. Angelo Vinco, his missionary experience and meaning for the...

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22/04/2014 Da Overblog

Il punto sulla “Missione Oggi e i Comboniani”: Una lettura sinottica degli ultimi tre Capitoli Generali sulla questione “Missione” - Mission Today and the Comboni Missionaries: A Synoptic Reading of the Last Three General Chapters on "Mission"

“Il presente contributo vuol essere un’analisi comparata degli ultimi tre Capitoli Generali (1997, 2003 e 2009)...

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11/04/2014 Da Overblog

Living Lent with the 'Joy of the Gospel' 7th Reflection - Vivere la Quaresima con 'La Gioia del Vangelo' 7a Riflessione

The Second Vatican Council made every Christian responsible for the proclamation of the Gospel. Pope Francis wants...

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10/04/2014 Da Overblog

"The Joy of the Gospel": an article by Fr. G. Oliana - "La gioia del Vangelo": un articolo di p. G. Oliana

“The recent Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel” (Evangelii Gaudium) by Pope Francis (24 November 2013)...

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10/04/2014 Da Overblog

South Sudan Crisis: Situation Report - La crisi in Sud Sudan: rapporto sulla situazione

A report produced by OCHA) South Sudan (United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in...

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10/04/2014 Da Overblog

Il fenomeno delle migrazioni: una sfida per la Chiesa. Quali risposte? -The Phenomenon of Migration: a Challenge for the Church. Which answers?

Terza e ultima conferenza sull’ immigrazione in Italia e in Europa dal titolo: “Il fenomeno delle migrazioni: una...

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04/04/2014 Da Overblog

Reflection on the Ratio Missionis by the Communities of South Sudan - Riflessione delle comunità del Sud Sudan sulla Ratio Missionis

The Provincial council and the secretariat of evangelisation of South Sudan Province invited the communities of...

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